lunes, 13 de abril de 2015



Crop Circles

The oldest record of a crop circle found in England, in a pamphlet published on August 22, 1678, under the name of 'The Mowing-Devil' ('reaper devil'), showing a demon cutting a large circle in the culture. The farmer who testified for the article said he saw the devil himself reaping wheat, before paying a salary that your mower required for their work.

The current phenomenon began in 1976, when the first circles in Winchester (UK), and the media echoed the noticia.1

These first circles were simple, just 9 or 10 meters in diameter, but over the years became more complex and numerous. Already in the eighties the phenomenon moved to other countries such as Germany, New Zealand, etc.

Crop Circles por MagmaChannel

Ghost apparitions 

In the folklore of many cultures, are supposed spirits or (more rarely live) disembodied souls of dead things that occur between living perceptibly (eg, taking a visible appearance, producing sounds or smells or moving objects -poltergeist- ), mainly in places frequented in life, or in association with bystanders.

Ghostly apparitions por MagmaChannel

domingo, 12 de abril de 2015

Little girl attacked by an ostrich - Niña pequeña atacada por una avestruz

Little girl attacked by an ostrich - Niña... por MagmaChannel

Our roads cemeteries of animals

Die every year in road accidents thousands of traffic but the number of dead animals that die on the asphalt never mentioned.

Is estimated at over 10 million vertebrates who die each year on our roads, only in Spain.

Dogs and cats, but also deer, mouflon, genets, wolves, wild boar, deer, foxes, rabbits, hedgehogs, owls, snakes, lizards, ... The list of deaths in vertebrate asphalt is almost a complete catalog of wildlife

Brutal attack by lions caregiver - Ataque brutal por leões cuidador

Brutal attack by lions caregiver - Ataque... por MagmaChannel

Ataque de tiburón tigre

Tiger Shark Attack - Ataque de tiburon tigre por MagmaChannel

Huge bear chasing a cyclist to eat, Incredible !! - Oso enorme persigue un ciclista para comerlo

Huge bear chasing a cyclist to eat, Incredible !! - Mountain Bike

The cyclist pedaled through the forest when suddenly ran into the huge animal, was able to film the video thanks to the GoPro I had in the town. A chase through the forest occurs for a few minutes and finally scared mislead the athlete achieves plantigrade barely.